Sonic’s Ice Cap Zone Act 1 Done Multitrack A Capella [Video]
An original a capella arrangement of the Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3 by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
An original a capella arrangement of the Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3 by Youtuber Smooth McGroove. [Smooth McGroove]
Warning: Strong Language. A new episode of Epic Rap Battles of History featuring Adolf Hitler and Darth Vader. Let the battle begin! [Epic Rap Battles of History]
Please note that the interesting part starts at 0:50 in the video. From tehcubedude: This is the ORIGINAL daft cube video and it is all done in one take. No editing was done on the video except for adding in my intro at the beginning. Thanks Martin! [tehcubedude]
He will be missed? Indeed! Now can’t wait for the upcoming prequel, Better Call Saul! [Via Buzzfeed]
When an experiment goes wrong, it unleashes a catastrophic event on the Black Mesa Research Facility. As scientists scramble to find a way out, the game’s iconic weapon– the crowbar– finds its rightful owner. [MachinimaPrime | Via GT]
For those who haven’t watched or heard about Dexter’s big finale, don’t watch this, even though it does not represent the show’s real ending. One way or another, Dexter will have to pay for his acts. After the very disappointing ending of his TV Show, he will never be in peace, nowhere, ever. [Benjamin Combes […]
A rap battle between a hardcore nerd and a geek? Funny stuff, even though it’s not exactly accurate. Rett & Link rules, I love these guys! [Rett & Link]
[Source: Moores Upholstery | Via Comics Alliance]
A rather humorous recap and literary analysis of The Hobbit: There and Back Again by a self-confessed thug. [Thug Notes]
Guillermo del Toro creates the Couch Gag for this years Treehouse of Horror episode. One of the best and funniest Simpsons intro I’ve ever seen! [Animation Domination]