Goodbye to a Gentle Giant: Actor Robbie “Hagrid” Coltrane Dies at 72

It is with great sadness that we learned that Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane, known throughout geekdom for his role as Hagrid in the Harry Potter franchise, has passed away earlier today at the age of 72. Apart from playing in all eight Harry Potter films, the actor as also starred in Nuns on the Run, […]

Doom Movie: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson vs. Karl Urban – First-Person Shooter Scene in 4K HDR

Sure, the Doom movie was supposed to break the video game movie curse back in 2005, but it failed at the box office and currently has a Rotten Tomatoe score of 18%. Regardless of its failures, the only part of the movie which was not all that bad is the first-person shooter scene culminating in […]

Incredible DEALS: Amazon’s BIG Prime EARLY ACCESS Sale is Here!

Amazon has just launched a new event, offering two days of incredible deals to Amazon Prime members only: The Prime Early Access Sale! Here is our compilation of some of the best deals offered today! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an […]

How Frozen-In-Time Scenes Are Shot For Movies And TV

As seen in the likes of “Spider-Man” (2002), “The Matrix” (1999), and “The French Dispatch” (2021), movies can make scenes look like they’re frozen in time. The first step is shooting at a higher frame rate to slow the action down as much as possible. In “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (2014) and “X-Men: Apocalypse” […]

Cosplayers Invade Quebec City for Quebec Comiccon 2022 [Gallery]

Another year, another edition of Comiccon in the beautiful capital of the Province of Quebec, Quebec city! It was also the first time for as long as I can remember that no one was wearing a mask at a con. It was certainly a welcomed sight, especially when it comes to cosplayers who could finally […]

Velma Gets an Origin Story in New Scooby-Doo Spinoff [Trailer] VELMA is an adult animated comedy series telling the origin story of Velma Dinkley, the unsung and under appreciated brains of the Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc. gang. This original and humorous spin unmasks the complex and colorful past of one of America’s most beloved mystery solvers. Velma is streaming in 2023 on HBO Max. [HBO […]