Portals + Penguins = Awesomely Epic Music Video [Video]
This is the cake. There are 5 hidden easter eggs to be found. [DjEphixa]
This is the cake. There are 5 hidden easter eggs to be found. [DjEphixa]
CineFix presents The Hunger Games retold via old-school 8-bit (and a little 16 bit ;) game tech. No quarters or controllers required! [CineFix]
Here’s a musical called Pokemon University, basically a song about the Pokemon equivalent to Hogwarts, from our pals over at Random Encounters. [Random Encounters]
Identical Twins Camille & Kennerly play their electric duet harp arrangement of “The Breaking of the Fellowship”, “In Dreams”, “Concerning Hobbits”, “The Riders of Rohan” and “Into the West” from The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. [Camille and Kennerly]
The hidden meaning of 9 characters from pop culture. [Buzzfeed Videos]
This is amazing beyond words. Be sure to watch it all. In a world filled with magic, one mysterious person tries to keep a forgotten power safe from both the Officers of OMEn and the Evil forces wanting to corrupt it. [wrenthereaper]
Check out this new and totally amazing series of short films by Evan Daugherty (Snow White and The Huntsman) which takes a gritty approach to the Super Mario Bros franchise. 4 short videos, 4 characters: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad. The Fixer (Mario) The Addict (Luigi) Star (Princess Peach) The Soldier (Toad)
A totally badass-looking medieval Loki leather armor by our pals over at Prince Armory. Photo (above) taken at the Texas Renaissance Festival (Above) by Merland Pernetter. [Prince Armory]
I loved this movie, but I could not find one thing in this Honest Trailer that I disagreed with: Most Awesome Dumb Movie Ever Made or the Dumbest Awesome Movie Ever Made? [Screen Junkies / Source: YouTube]
The Bringer of Darkness, the Oncoming Storm, the Doctor, the Warrior – A Time Lord! The 50th Anniversary features Matt Smith, David Tennant and a mysterious incarnation played by John Hurt. Only one appears in the mini episode, The Night of the Doctor. But which? 23.11.13 #SaveTheDay. Thanks Joshua! [BBC]