Fake Star Wars Trailer Still Entertaining

Think of this as a teaser to the teaser. Despite the YouTube description, it’s actually a very well-made fan video using a combination of clips from previous Star Wars-related video and audio from some unconventional sources. The good news is that the real teaser trailer isn’t just hitting select theaters tomorrow, but will be on […]

Star Wars Comes To Minecraft

If you’ve got the Xbox One or 360 versions of Minecraft, you can now download a skin pack of Star Wars characters for $2.99. The full list is: 4-LOM Admiral Ackbar AT-AT Pilot Ben Kenobi Bib Fortuna Blockade Runner Soldier Boba Fett Bossk C-3PO Cantina Band Member Chewbacca Darth Vader Dengar Emperor Emperor’s Royal Guard […]

Jurassic World Trailer [Video]

Well, it seems some folk just don’t learn… The idea of the movie being based on “real” dinosaurs is gone (possibly for merchandise licensing reasons), and the plot seems to come down to “something something genetic modification something” but if you’re looking for the ultimate in special-effect-laden summer blockbuster, 2015 looks to be sorted already.