Hilarious “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Meme Compilation [Pics]
Even though the new trailer for Episode VII was kind of short, the Internet jumped on the occasion to create memes aplenty. Here are a few funny ones we stumbled on: [Via GeekXgirls]
Even though the new trailer for Episode VII was kind of short, the Internet jumped on the occasion to create memes aplenty. Here are a few funny ones we stumbled on: [Via GeekXgirls]
Now who’s the first to get that badass sith wielding a sword-like lightsaber tattooed on his back? [Source: George Breckon on Twitter]
Jack the Ripper goes against Hannibal Lecter in the latest episode of Epic Rap Battles of History! Who do you think won? Let us know in the comments! [ERB]
Did someone just eat the primary buffer panel off my gorram ship? [Via]
Best. Remix. EVER. Made by Matthijs Vlot. Lyrics: What the hell, is this? What? What? This, this, this is my product 2x I made you my bitch When we started all this Its cost of business That’s what this is Stand up the heat Look at that, look! That’s what we need, so we can […]
Watch as Batman tries to provoke Superman into a fight (for some reason) in this funny stop-motion short film. [BrickNerd | Via IHC]
George Lucarized? Yep, that’s right. George Lucarized. [timtimfed]
A homemade shot-for-shot remake of the “Avengers: Age of Ultron” trailer! Watch the side-by-side comparison below! [Dumb Drum]
Youtuber Tom Barker thought that the new “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” teaser needed more of J.J. Abrams’ trademark lens flare effects, so he fixed that. [Tom Barker | Via The Awesomer]
Katniss picks out a name for her band, and she’s afraid she’s in a castle. [Bad Lip Reading]