If Harry Potter Characters Texted Each Other [Video]
Jealous, Voldemort? :) [BuzzFeedYellow]
Jealous, Voldemort? :) [BuzzFeedYellow]
Everyone loves bathrobes: they dry you quick once your out of the shower and they’re nice and warm when you get up in the morning. But why limit ourselves to ordinary, boring bathrobes when they’re some way cooler stuff out there? Here are 19 awesomely geeky bathrobes I stumbled on while looking for gifts for […]
From Telltale Games: Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series is a new six part episodic game series set in the world of HBO’s groundbreaking TV show. This new story tells of House Forrester, a noble family from the north of Westeros, loyal to the Starks of Winterfell. Caught up in the events surrounding the […]
The Terminator Genisys trailer will hit the web tomorrow, but in the meantime, check out this short video featuring a T-1000. For a teaser, I guess it isn’t all that bad, but it’s no Star Wars. [Terminator Genisys]
Audiences went bananas over the latest film in cinema’s wordiest-titled franchise, so relive this summer’s blockbuster hit, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Or is it Rise? We can never remember. [Screen Junkies]
Here’s what would happen if you made a “Star Wars: Episode VII” trailer using footage from Mel Brooks’ sci-fi parody, “Spaceballs.” Thanks Blake! [filmgeekery]
Cosplayer Alyson Tabbitha is taking the art of “crossplaying” to a whole new level by transforming herself in an almost perfect copy of Captain Jack Sparrow. Just look at the “before and after” picture below! I’ll also include a few extra pics so you can see how perfect her costume (and demeanor!) is. [Model and […]
Stephen Colbert the all-knowing knows. All hail Stephen Colbert. [Source]
If you only have the time to watch one short film this week, watch this one. Time Trap tells the tale of a cyborg who gets stranded on Earth in the distant future and needs to find components to repair his spaceship. How he does it though is what makes this film so special. Check […]
It’s a well-known fact: garden gnomes hate snow, but this AT-AT walker lawn ornament? Not so much! Made out of durable resin, the Star Wars Lawn Ornament – AT-AT Walker looks perfect on your lawn. It will proclaim your love of Star Wars to all who pass. It will warn away the puny Gnome Rebel […]