This Jurassic World Parody is Hilariously Senseless [Video]
Raptors on motorcycles? Yes!!!! I would totally pay money to watch this. [Darren Wallace]
Raptors on motorcycles? Yes!!!! I would totally pay money to watch this. [Darren Wallace]
A Bipolar Psychopathic Gamer Girl, a Debutante Game-A-Holic, a Video Game Vigilante, and the real life Iron Man Collide in this Award-Winning Video Game Parody of Taylor Swift’s Blank Space! [Heidi Mae]
From OnlyLeigh: In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we asked your favorite TV and Movie characters questions about love, romance and everything in between. Can you name them all? [OnlyLeigh]
In this video, Star-Lord, Han Solo, and Malcolm Reynolds argue over who got the worst repayment for their heroic deeds. But they can all agree on one simple fact…they all got the short end of the stick. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
No. Just no. [eikemz]
Warning: This will make you cry your eyes out. Check out this awesome video putting all of Severus Snape’s important scenes in chronological order, from back when he was a kind up until after he died. [kcawesome13 | Via]
Ever wanted to see what happens when Star Wars and Star Trek clash? Well in this epic trailer you will see. It is time for Star Wars VS Star Trek! [Alex Luthor]
Just got this awesome Breaking Bad/Toto’s Africa musical parody from my pal Bonecage, and you guys just have to check it out! Good lord do I love Breaking Bad! On my 3rd time through the show on Netflix, I thought, “This show would be ill-suited to pair with a very 80s and super-awesome Toto song!” […]
From MovieBlast: Jurassic Park is one of our all time favorite films, and we’re excited for Jurassic World coming out this year, so why not animate some interesting facts about the original? [MovieBlast]
This one is an absolute must watch, geeks. It’s the best short film I’ve watched this year so far and I doubt anything will beat it for the rest of 2015. Wow. Just wow. Le Gouffre is the first animated short film produced and directed by Lightning Boy Studio, a young creative team based in […]