Get Ready: People Who Don’t Die in the “Game of Thrones” Books Are Going to Die in the TV Show

Even though we all know that George R. R. Martin likes to kill some of his most popular characters in his books, the TV show will apparently dispose of people who do not die in the Song of Fire and Ice series. Here’s what the man had to say during last nightโ€™s Writers Guild West […]

This is the Best Tauriel Cosplay Ever [Pics + Video]

Sure, there’s plenty of people who’ve cosplayed Tauriel since the second part of “The Hobbit” trilogy came out, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who impersonated the character that well. Russian cosplayer Tina Rybakova truly looks like the living impersonation of the character (apart from Evangeline Lilly who played Tauriel in the movie!) […]

START OVER: MC Frontalot Revisits The Tale of the Little Red Riding Hood [Music Video]

Here’s “Start Over,” MC Frontalot’s latest music video which revisits the tale of the Little Red Riding Hood in a rather entertaining way. Start over is part of MC Frontalot’s excellent new album, “Question Bedtime,” which you can get on right here. [Question Bedtime | MC Frontalot | Via LS]

10 Villains Who Were Supposed To Come Back….But Never Did

Here is the general rule about ‘pain in the butt’ bad guys (from movies, TV, and gaming). True villains never die. They never really go away. They may vanish for a bit or lull an audience into a false sense of security, but that’s their job. The reality is, when you LEAST want to see […]