Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s Con Man: The Teaser Trailer [Video]

Just a few days after launching Con Man’s Indigogo campaign, the show’s teaser trailer is already online! As I’m writing this, the project has collected over 1.5 million dollars. Not bad considering the initial funding goal was $425k. The budget is now big enough to produce 12 episodes and there’s still 29 days left to […]

Sir Terry Pratchett Leaves Earth for Discworld (1948-2015) – R.I.P.

Sir Terry Pratchett, best known for his Discworld series of fantasy books, left this world earlier today at the age of 66 after an 8-year battle with Alzheimerโ€™s disease. The following statement was released by his publisher: In over 70 books, Terry enriched the planet like few before him. As all who read him know, […]

10 Awesome Good Guy Robots from Movies

With Chappie coming out this month and looking to add another awesome ‘good guy’ robot to the cinematic universe, we figured what better time than now to come up with a list of some of our favorite good guy robots from the world of cinema. Keep in mind, there are dozens upon dozens of good […]

Con Man: A Comedy by Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion Produced by YOU! YES YOU!

Yes, you’ve read that right: Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion want to make a comedy that will be produced by the fans, for the fans! Yes, that means you! And since they don’t want anyone to cancel the show, they’re asking for OUR support! I don’t know about you, but I’m already sold. Anyways, I’ll […]