New Solo ‘Batman’ Film Rumored To Be In Works With Affleck to Direct

We all knew this news was inevitable. They are not just going to cast a new Batman and Joker and then put them into side movies (Suicide Squad, Dawn of Justice). We all figured this was the start of a new Batman franchise. What might make the news upsetting to some who have been against […]

New “Attack on Titan” Trailer Showcases 3D Maneuver Gear [Video]

The new trailer for the live action version of “Attack on Titan” just came out, and lo an behold, it shows some of the characters using their 3D maneuver equipment! The only problem people seem to have with it is that we see Mikasa kissing, something that never gets shown in the source material. I […]

The Amazing Spider-Dad: Dad Create Beautiful Spider-Man Fan Film for Late Son

As a father of three, that short movie really got to me. This one is an absolute must-watch, geeks. From Mike Wilson: The SpiderDad Film was inspired by my son Jayden who sadly lost his 18 month battle at Christmas to a Grade 4 Brain Stem Tumor called Glyoblastoma Multi-Forme. Before he died, we began […]

This Guy is the Ultimate Batman Cosplayer [Pics]

Props maker and epic cosplayer Julian Checkley made this amazing Arkham Origins Batman suit, and I have to say, not only is that costume the best Batman outfit I’ve ever seen, but the photography by Kamil Krawczak is just perfect! The whole outfit was 3D printed by by Kevin LeProp, and then painted and assembled […]