The Upcoming Star Wars Story Movie we Deserve: BOMBARDIER! (Spoiler Alert!)

After seeing the latest episode of The Mandalorian, @chapc_yt made this fun fan-made poster featuring everyone’s new favorite Star Wars character, Captain Bombardier! I kind of really want to see a movie featuring this guy while he was part of the Empire. I’ll add a “See more” link below if you are reading this from […]

Wes Anderson’s ASTEROID CITY Would Fit Perfectly as a Fallout Prequel [Trailer]

Yep, Asteroid City is most definitely a Wes Anderson movie! Also, there’s some very strong “Fallout-esque” vibes coming from the trailer! I’ve looked everywhere to see if others thought the same, but I seem to be the only one so far. The only thing missing would be a Vault-Tec vault entrance hidden somewhere in the […]

Spring is Here! Time to Stock Up on Geektatic Tees With Our Big T-Shirt Sale! [ALMOST OVER!]

Update: Just 14 hours left to the sale! Geeks are Sexy is a small, one-man business, so by getting a tee… or a few… you’ll be helping a site/blogger that has been running independently since 2005! There are not many of us left from those days in 2023. Spring is here, and with Spring comes […]

Star Wars: Earth will never be an ‘ecumenopolis’ like Coruscant, but our cities are devouring the world

Juan Miguel Kanai, University of Sheffield Any fan of the galaxy far, far away will have loved the newest information gleaned from The Mandalorian about life on the planet-city Coruscant. The latest instalments of Disney’s streaming series, now in its third season, have seen a new storyline take root in the galactic capital of the […]