The First Trailer for Con Man is Here! [Video]

Synopsys: The series is a lighthearted take on the personalities, luminaries, comic book stores, and characters they have run into during their years in the sci-fi community and convention circuit, while telling the story of a guy learning to love and embrace his fans. CON MAN centers around the post-show life of Wray Nerely (Alan […]

The Most Adorable and Awesome Sci-Fi Love Story Ever: The One-Minute Time Machine [Video]

Warning: Language. Every time the beautiful Regina rejects his advances, James pushes a red button and tries again, all the while unaware of the reality and consequences of his actions. Directed by Devon Avery. Selected for the Sploid Short Film Festival, a celebration of coolest short films and the filmmakers that make them. [Sploid]

The Akira Trailer Gets Simpsonized [Video]

Bartkira is an animated parody mash-up of The Simpsons and Akira. Based on an idea by Ryan Humphrey articulated through comics, the concept was expanded with the Bartkira project, a comic collaboration of Simpsons fans, curated by James Harvey. In association with the comic, Moon Animate Make-Up producer Kaitlin Sullivan pitched the idea of an […]