Interstellar: When Spectacle Eclipses Story [Video]

The “Nerd Writer” makes the case that while Christopher Nolan’s movies are spectacular, the storytelling in Interstellar isn’t quite up to par with the visual aspects of the film, a little like Avatar back in 2009. Sure, comparing both of these movie might sound a little unfair, but be sure to listen to his argument […]

YES: Symphony of Science is back! – BEYOND THE HORIZON (Ft. Neil DeGrasse Tyson And Bill Nye) [Video]

This amazing song was created by melodysheep of “Symphony of Science” fame in collaboration with The Planetary Society as part of their 35th anniversary celebration. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflect humanity’s next frontier: beyond the horizon. If you like what we’re doing here at Geeks are Sexy, be sure […]