WANT: Metal Earth 3D Model Kits – The Avengers

I’ve posted Metal Earth’s awesome Star Wars model kits in the past, but these kits featuring Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America’s Shield and Thor’s Hammer look absolutely fantastic! No glue or solder needed, but some nose pliers might be helpful for assembly. [Metal Earth 3D Model Kits Marvel Avengers Set of 4 Iron Man […]

Plop Plop, Baby: The “Squatty Potty” Pooping Unicorn Commercial Gets Autotuned [Video]

A few weeks ago, we featured the hilarious video presenting the “Squatty Potty” toilet stool, and now, the company behind the product released a hilarious autotuned version of the commercial. Just watch it, you’ll be glad you did… and then, you’ll be caught with that song in your head all day. Plop plop, baby. [Squatty […]