This is the Way: A Song Created Using All the Times “This is The Way” Was Said in The Mandalorian (SEASONS 1 -3)

Groove to the sound of “This is the way”… 222 or 223 times… depending on who you ask. It’s cute how The Mandalorian found it’s own version of “may the force be with you”, but they might have gotten a little carried away with it. How do we know? “This is the way” is said […]

Behold: The Mandalorian Made Out of Flan! – It’s the Flandalorian!

Twitter user The Mad Maker made Din Djarin out of flan, hence his new name: The Flandalorian! For those who’ve never tasted a flan, the dessert is a firm custard topped with caramel sauce. This is the flan! Here’s a video of the delicious creation jiggling to the beat of the theme song: @martyimmortal Improved […]

LEX LUTHOR Interviews DATA: Why the Role of DATA Gave BRENT SPINER Anxiety

From Michael Rosenbaum (Inside of You Podcast): Brent Spiner (Star Trek, Independence Day) joins us this week to drop some bombs about a certain someone’s return from the dead in Picard Season 3. Brent shares how he feels about being recognized (mostly) for a single character as Data in Star Trek – and later gets […]

It Belongs in a Museum! Introducing the Indiana Jones Golden Idol Tiki Mug

From Entertainment Earth: It belongs in a museum! But most importantly, this Golden Idol mug belongs in your home! The Indiana Jones and The Raiders Of The Lost Ark Golden Idol 24 oz. Geeki Tikis Mug captures the infamous idol from the opening scene of the Indiana Jones and the Raiders of The Lost Ark […]

Jeremy Renner Receives Hilarious Get-Well Message from Paul Rudd

As you know, Jeremy Renner was in a snow plow accident that nearly took his life on January 1st. Now, three months later, the Hawkeye actor is giving his first round of interviews and was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday to talk about the Incident. In the middle of the interview, he revealed that Paul […]