99 Problems And A Lich Ain’t One [Parody Video]
A parody of Jay Z’s 99 Problems by the folks from One Hit Die. If you’re having quest problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and a Lich ain’t one. [One Hit Die | Via GG]
A parody of Jay Z’s 99 Problems by the folks from One Hit Die. If you’re having quest problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems and a Lich ain’t one. [One Hit Die | Via GG]
I think all us geeks can agree that 2015 was one of the best years for movies, in terms of movies aimed at our demographic. New Star Wars, new Jurassic Park, and a bevvy of awesome comic book movies showed us that we, the geeks, have finally inherited the earth. Here are the top ten […]
We conclude our look back at 2015’s news and subsequent developments with November and December. Following a social media campaign with support from the likes of Mark Hamill, Disney arranged a private advance showing for a man with terminal lung cancer. Daniel Fleetwood, who had already outlived doctor predictions by several weeks, feared he would not survive […]
From DeviantRahll: I was inspired by a picture mashing up the new droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Indiana Jones boulder scene and couldn’t resist putting this together. They’re two of my favorites franchises so I thought it’d be fun to do some fan service. [DeviantRahll]
Sure we’ve posted several gingerbread “houses” throughout the years on GAS, but I think this gingerbread Hogwarts by Reddit user louisesiuol is one of the best ones I’ve seen! Hogwarts Gingerbread! [Source: louisesiuol on Reddit | Via TN]
This Christmas, Blake Lively offered the perfect gift to her husband, a felt Deadpool, holding a chimichanga while riding a Unicorn. Now how awesome is that? Une photo publiée par Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) le 29 Déc. 2015 à 16h42 PST [Source: Ryan Reynolds on Instagram]
Excitement for Star Wars: the Force Awakens is tangible, so why not whet your appetite here and indulge in these top 10 facts about the global phenomenon that is Star Wars. [AllTime10s]
The cast of Star Wars gets asked whether they think certain events took place in the Star War movies or in Florida. I think you guys will be surprised by the reality in a lot of these cases. [Rotten Tomatoes]
Wrap out the holiday season with the best Christmas movie of all time – Die Hard! Yeah, we said it! [Screen Junkies]
From PostmodernJukebox: With ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ smashing box office records this past week, we recorded this special medley of famous Star Wars themes to feature tap dance sensation Sarah Reich. Watch her amazing performance here, and may the Tap be with you! [PostmodernJukebox]