Every Time R2-D2 Saves the Day
Luke, Han, and Leia would have been dead long ago if it weren’t for R2-D2! [IGN]
Luke, Han, and Leia would have been dead long ago if it weren’t for R2-D2! [IGN]
From Tested: Adam Savage gets special access to one of the spacesuits from The Martian to study and document it for his personal replica project! Here’s Adam’s gleeful first impressions after opening the suit’s shipping crate and appreciate for some of the fine fabricated details seen in person. [Tested]
The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on […]
Pixel art at its finest. The internet has a new best Gif of all time. Game over, literally. Mad Mario for the win. (Imgur)
In this episode of DIY Prop Shop, guest host Dylan Thomas shows us how to build a “Star Trek: TOS” phaser for just $12! [AWE me]
The first moments of a movie can set the tone, grab your attention, and let you know a movie is worthwhile. Here are our Top 10 Opening Shots in History! [CineFix]
The actual name of the list may be a bit misleading, but these are still some very cool Force Awakens “scenes,” trailer scenes, and teaser photos that didn’t quite make it to the final product. Makes me wonder if any of this will show up in the many sequels we have coming in the years […]
Yep, it totally works. [Raymond Weil Ylagan]
The folks from Vouchercloud.com created this interesting infographic taking a look at “Future Technologies we can Expect from Films” and researched just how soon we could be seeing these make an appearance in the real world. [Source: Vouchercloud.com]
The “what is the best ship is the Star Wars universe?” debate will most likely rage forever, because there are so many different answers. Some love the (obvious choice) Millennium Falcon, while others (myself included) think the TIE Fighters are the coolest ship (design) beaming around the galaxy. Den of Geek have thrown together a […]