Finding Nemo Gets an Honest Trailer [Video]
Swim along with Disney and Pixar’s most beloved story that spoils its own ending in the title – Finding Nemo! [Screen Junkies]
Swim along with Disney and Pixar’s most beloved story that spoils its own ending in the title – Finding Nemo! [Screen Junkies]
From Man at Arms – Reforged: Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. This week, the guys at Baltimore Knife and Sword take on Voltron’s Blazing Sword! [Awe Me]
Movies may get most of the attention when it comes to easter eggs, hidden details, or secret messages from the filmmakers, but they’re not alone. It may be harder to spot them in television shows, but make no mistake: the minds behind some of your favorite shows spend just as much time planting secret nods, […]
Get a behind the scenes look and some new footage from the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie thanks to this E3 exclusive video. In theaters 12.21.16. Through a revolutionary technology that unlocks his genetic memories, Callum Lynch (Michael Fassbender) experiences the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th Century Spain. Callum discovers he is descended from […]
Warning: GOT season #6 spoiler alert! A short video that explains how time travel in Game of Thrones work. For those interested in checking out the chart mentioned in the video (Author: Harrison Densmore,) I’ll include it right under this paragraph! [VOX]
This amazing “First Age” Sauron custom set of leather armor was created by the always amazing and talented Samuel Lee from Prince Armory. Samuel is incredible craftsman as you’ve seen time and time again on Geeks are sexy, and this new suit is just as beautifully detailed and complex as everything he’s released in the […]
Michu Meszaros is a name most geeks who grew up in the 90’s wont know, but should. It is the name of the man who played the TV character ALF. That insane, puppet-rigged, main character in a prime time sitcom about a furry alien who was smug, snarky, and liked to “eat cats.” Take from […]
House Stark House Targaryen House Lannister House Baratheon House Greyjoy Night’s Watch House Arryn House Bolton House Frey House Martell House Tyrell White Walkers House Tully [Source: Kaleb Raleigh (SketchyCartoonist) on Deviantart | SketchyCartoonist on Reddit]
Just wait until you see Chewbacca… :) Our final Star Wars: The Force Awakens Parody features the climatic showdown between father and son! Starring: A deadbeat Han Solo, an Emo Kylo Ren, and a Pomeranian Chewbacca! [Lowcarbcomedy]
Several years ago, artist Joe Stone drew a Star Wars family tree, and with the release of Episode VII, he decided released an updated version of it. [Source: Joe Stone on Tumblr]