What The Justice League Trailer Didn’t Show
Batman’s recruitment of The Flash was one of the highlights of the Justice League trailer, but this animation by Dorkly shows things might have been very different…
Batman’s recruitment of The Flash was one of the highlights of the Justice League trailer, but this animation by Dorkly shows things might have been very different…
Most fans of older series got reboots or sequels in the last few years, from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars. Heck, we even have a new Harry Potter (sans Potter) movie coming out. But it seemed like fans of the Chronicles of Narnia series were just gonna spend another year getting no love. […]
In the latest episode of “Super Powet Beat Down” Nightwing takes over Winter Soldier in a fight to the death. Who will win? watch the episode to find out! Note: If you want to watch the fight right away, be sure to skip ahead to 4:43. [batinthesun]
In this Marvel live action series, a street-fighting ex-con battles crime on the streets of New York as the Super Hero, Luke Cage. On Netflix, September 30. [Netflix US & Canada]
Comic book superheroes are some of the most popular characters in fiction. Batman, Superman, the Avengers, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four are just some of the kind of examples we’re referring to when we say that. But, of course, superheroes wouldn’t be what they are without an antithesis – and they come in the […]
A beautiful and final farewell to the Witcher saga by musician extraordinaire Miracle of Sound. [miracleofsound]
Cosplayer Izabel Cortez and a few of her friends briefly became the Suicide Squad for the time of a photoshoot, and the result is totally fantastic! Photography by Winky Dionisio. Models: Harley Quinn: Izabel Cortez The Joker: Xidge Sparrow Captain Boomerang: John Mark Royale Tizon Katana: Daihne Cortes Enchantress: Daph Cortes Colonel Rick Flag: Fred […]
What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms . . . or the memory of a brother’s smile? [TheGaroStudios]
The first time the Joker appeared on television was 50 years ago. There has been a ton of actors portraying the clown prince of crime since then. We wanted to see how they all stacked up against each other, so we explored the evolution of the character throughout television, film, video, and even a few […]
From Anthony Vincent: Hi guys! Given the recent rise in 90’s nostalgia & Pokémon Go, I decided to marry the two together to create the Pokémon Theme in 20 styles of the late 90’s. Enjoy and leave a comment on which style was the most nostalgic for you. [Ten Second Songs]