There, I Ruined It: The Beach Boys Sing NIN and Johnny Cash’s “Hurt” Hurtin’ USA… Hurtin’ USA…
In a recent interview, the legendary Mark Hamill was surprised with his original lightsaber from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Initially, Hamill assumed it was just a replica, but the host clarified that it was indeed the authentic prop. He also revealed that Alec Guinness wielded the lightsaber in episode IV. It’s […]
Attention Geeks of All Kinds! Our August t-shirt sale is officially live! For the rest of the week, you can get all of our geektastic tees for just $16 each! There’s plenty of awesome designs to choose from, so be sure to check ’em all out! 1000s of tees from Teepublic are also on sale […]
Artist @doodlebethel has created what has the be the cutest Loth-Cat plush I have ever seen! After seeing the live action version of Sabine Wren’s feline in Ahsoka, I just had to search the net to see if one was available for sale. There is an official version available, but it’s nothing as cute or […]
Check out this fun music video for Barbie’s hit song “I’m Just Ken”, featuring tons of hilarious behind-the scene footage of Ryan Gosling and his crew of Kens having fun on the film’s set. I have not seen Barbie yet, but from what I’ve heard, it’s really funny, so I’m looking forward to it!
In this episode of Breaking Kitchen, Walter White finally brings his specialty to the table for Gordon Ramsay to evaluate: Pizza. You’re not ready for what you’re about to see.
From JLaservideo: Here’s how I built some real working ODM gear from Attack on Titan! It features two barrels that blast 4 darts which stick well enough for the user to swing from. The gadget also features a reel system strong enough to pull the user up walls and through the air! Hope you enjoy. […]
Watch as Ahsoka Tano jumps into an exciting lightsaber fight in this sneak peek from the Disney+ series. Be sure to catch the first two episodes of the show, available for streaming next week, on August 23rd.
Check out this absolutely gorgeous cover of the main theme from Stargate Atantis by Rebeca “Becky” Sánchez of VioDance.
A new teaser for Ahsoka featuring Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker! In 10 days, a new Jedi will rise. The two-episode series premiere of #Ahsoka, a Star Wars Original series, arrives August 23 on Disney+ [Star Wars]