Mark Hamill Gets Reunited with His Original Lightsaber

In a recent interview, the legendary Mark Hamill was surprised with his original lightsaber from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Initially, Hamill assumed it was just a replica, but the host clarified that it was indeed the authentic prop. He also revealed that Alec Guinness wielded the lightsaber in episode IV. It’s […]

Geek Out in Style: Get Your Hands on Our Cool Geeky Tees for Just $16 Each for a Limited Time!

Attention Geeks of All Kinds! Our August t-shirt sale is officially live! For the rest of the week, you can get all of our geektastic tees for just $16 each! There’s plenty of awesome designs to choose from, so be sure to check ’em all out! 1000s of tees from Teepublic are also on sale […]

Unleash the Force of Cuteness With this Gorgeous Loth-Cat Plush from a Galaxy Far, Far Away!

Artist @doodlebethel has created what has the be the cutest Loth-Cat plush I have ever seen! After seeing the live action version of Sabine Wren’s feline in Ahsoka, I just had to search the net to see if one was available for sale. There is an official version available, but it’s nothing as cute or […]

Barbie Hit “I’m Just Ken” Gets a Hilarious Behind-the-Scenes Video

Check out this fun music video for Barbie’s hit song “I’m Just Ken”, featuring tons of hilarious behind-the scene footage of Ryan Gosling and his crew of Kens having fun on the film’s set. I have not seen Barbie yet, but from what I’ve heard, it’s really funny, so I’m looking forward to it!

Clever Inventor Builds Fully Functional Attack on Titan ODM Gear [Video]

From JLaservideo: Here’s how I built some real working ODM gear from Attack on Titan! It features two barrels that blast 4 darts which stick well enough for the user to swing from. The gadget also features a reel system strong enough to pull the user up walls and through the air! Hope you enjoy. […]