The Marvel Symphonic Universe: A Look at Why the Music in Marvel Movies is Unremarkable

Off the top of your head, could you sing the theme from Star Wars? How about James Bond? Or Harry Potter? But here’s the kicker: can you sing any theme from a Marvel film? Despite 13 films and 10 billion dollars at the box office, the Marvel Cinematic Universe lacks a distinctive musical identity or […]

Star Wars: Flash Mob Lightsaber Battle at the Beach [Video]

The greatest Flash Mob Lightsaber Battle of all time (which just happens to take place on a beach in Australia in a galaxy far, far away). This collaborative project between Vidgeo and Adrian Van Oyen brings with it an ensemble of cameos, Easter eggs and enough special FX to make George Lucas proud. Cast of […]

Game of Thrones: What’s up with Jaqen H’ghar and the Faceless Men? [Video]

Warning: SPOILER ALERT. Jaqen H’ghar is probably the most confusing Game of Thrones character. Who is Jaqen? What’s his relationship with Arya? Is Jaqen Syrio Forel? Who’s the “alchemist” at Oldtown, and what does he want? What do the Faceless Men have to do with Valyria? Were the Faceless Men involved in the death of […]