Geektastic AT&T Commecial Pays Homage to Pop Culture [Video[ One of the best commercial I’ve seen in a while! In order of appearance: -Rocky -Cheers -Breaking Bad -Game of Thrones -ESPN Football -Sex and the City -Sesame Street -Seinfield -Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho -Knight Rider -Back to the Future -Ghostbusters [AT&T on Youtube | Via GT]

Follow Gandalf’s Journey Through Beautiful LOTR Posters

These beautiful 12 x 24-inch Lord of the Rings posters by artist Matt Ferguson picture gandalf on his journey through the LOTR trilogy. Stunning, aren’t they? Interested in getting one, or maybe all three? Each is priced at $35 or $100 for the set and can be purchased until Sunday, January 15, 2017 at […]

Adam Savage Marvels at Weta Workshop Sculptor’s Labyrinth Model [Video]

Many of you guys have purchased Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Board game (and if you haven’t, you can get it here,) but before the game was released, all game figures were hand sculpted by Weta Workshop artist Johnny Fraser-Allen. Here’s a video of Adam Savage getting a behind the scene look at the miniatures behind the […]