Step inside the Pitch Meeting that led to Barbenheimer!

From Pitch Meeting: Once in a while, the internet goes absolutely nuts for something seemingly random. Recently, the concept of a Barbenheimer double feature emerge, and what seemed like just an internet meme translated into actual, real-world, box office dollars. Take that, Morbius! Barbenheimer definitely raises some questions. Like how did this insane pairing of […]

Amazing Stop-Motion Masters of the Universe Animations

I recently stumbled on artist Justin Rasch’s work, and the man is truly a master at doing stop-motion animations. Check out his series of short videos featuring the figures from the Revelation Masters of the Universe line. The videos are several months old, and they barely have any views, which is a shame because they’re […]

Matthew McConaughey Contemplates The Great Mystery That is Barbenheimer

Watch as existential Matthew McConaughey attempts to unravel the great enigma that is Barbenheimer. Given his prior collaboration with Nolan, he comprehends the boundless intricacies of time and space. And after all, he does look like a modern-day Ken, so there is no one better suited for the job.