Adam Savage Walks Incognito at Comic Con in the Alien: Covenant Spacesuit!

In this very special incognito walk through Comic-Con, Adam puts on one of the actual spacesuits from Alien: Covenant! This beautiful suit was made by FBFX, and is packed with incredible detail, digital displays, and lighting that makes it look believable on screen. Of course, we can’t help but scrutinize every inch of this suit, […]

Disney Pulls Netflix Content To Start Own Streaming Service

Disney is to start its own streaming services and pull its movies from Netflix. But there’s some question over whether Marvel content will be part of the move. The plan is for two standalone services. One would be an ESPN sports service and the other would carry movies and TV shows, based largely or wholly […]

All This Time: A Geektastic Text RPG Music Video by Jonathan Coulton [Video]

Jonathan Coulton has been making geeky music for a long, long time, but strangely, I haven’t heard from the man in years. Today, while browsing Youtube for content, I stumbled on a new piece he released a few months ago, and I have no idea why, but the song went relatively unnoticed, even though it’s […]