Annihilation: An Extremely Creepy Sci-Fi Thriller Featuring Natalie Portman

Based on Jeff VanderMeer’s best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy, Annihilation stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Tuva Novotny and Oscar Isaac. It was written and directed by Alex Garland (Ex Machina, 28 Days Later). Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. Nature has reclaimed the […]

Star Trek: The Next Generation Gets an Hilarious Honest Trailer [Video]

One of the best “Honest Trailers” episodes Ever! So, what’s your answer to the ultimate question? KIRK or PICARD? Let us know in the comments! Before CBS has you boldly subscribe where no one has subscribed before, look back at the Sci-Fi sequel that came before all these prequels. – It’s Star Trek: The Next […]

QUIZ: Which Star Wars Character Are You Based On Your Personality?

Sure, we all fantasized at one point about being a character or another from a pop culture franchise, and today, thanks to this quiz, you can learn which character from the Star Wars universe you would be based on your personality! Ready? The quiz is below! (It might take a few seconds to load!) Picture […]

The Science of Dragons is Mostly Right in Game of Thrones! (According to Neil deGrasse Tyson)

Yeah, we all know that flying dragons aren’t actually a thing in this world, but in Westeros, they’re quite real. What this world has, however, is Neil deGrasse Tyson, the astrophysicist who enjoys destroying movies and shows that defy the laws of physics. A few days ago, the man has started tweeting some facts about […]

Secret Study: Piracy No Big Deal

A European government study found little evidence that piracy affects sales of anything other than “recently released blockbusters.” Despite being completed in May 2015, it appears not to have been published until now. The study has come to light on the blog of Julia Reda, the only politician from a national Pirate Party to currently […]

NEVER Challenge Pennywise the Clown to a Dance-Off! [Videos]

There’s a new trend online: People taking the Dancing Pennywise scene from IT and making him dance to various songs. Here are a few examples: (Please note that the videos below might take a few seconds to load) Numa Numa #ITMovie — Penny (@Pennywise_Dance) September 21, 2017 Everytime We Touch #ITMovie #IT #ItMovie2017 […]