Hey Venom, Want Some Snickers? [Pic]
Cause you’re not you when you’re hungry… [Via]
Cause you’re not you when you’re hungry… [Via]
Not only is Jodie Whitaker the first female Doctor, but Mattel decided she would be the first Doctor Who Barbie doll as well! For those interested, pre-orders for the doll will begin tonight at 12:00 AM EST at HotTopic.com, BBCshop.com, and Barbie.com and will be delivered around December 3, just in time for the holidays. […]
Here’s the Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 NYCC Trailer starring Ethan Peck as Spock! [Rotten Tomatoes TV]
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, after wrapping up Avengers 4, actor Chris Evans has officially announced a few days ago that he was retiring as Captain America. To pay homage to the man, Youtuber Top Screen has released a beautiful video tribute that might make you shed a tear or two. Check it […]
A fantastic musical video montage by melodysheep about renowned scientist Richard Feynman doing what he does best: sharing his contagious fascination with the world. Check it out! [melodysheep]
Hundreds of years after civilization was destroyed by a cataclysmic event, a mysterious young woman, Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar), emerges as the only one who can stop London — now a giant, predator city on wheels — from devouring everything in its path. Feral, and fiercely driven by the memory of her mother, Hester joins […]
That’s it, I am now genuinely excited for Aquaman! I’ve rarely seen a trailer that good. From Warner Bros. Pictures and director James Wan comes an action-packed adventure that spans the vast, visually breathtaking underwater world of the seven seas, “Aquaman,” starring Jason Momoa in the title role. The film reveals the origin story of […]
Adora’s destiny turns out to be far greater than she could have ever imagined. As the legendary warrior princess, She-Ra, it’s up to her and a spirited group of rebel princesses to restore balance in Etheria by defending it from the place she once called home. Join The Rebellion November 16th when She-Ra and the […]
Deadpool 2 was pretty great. Better than most sequels. But like most of the best sequels… it does get SLIGHTLY less great on repeat viewings. But it’s still awesome. But also sinful–as all movies are! [CinemaSins]
Now that filming has wrapped up for Avengers 4, Chris Evans followed on his announcement back he March that we would quit as Captain America on Twitter today. https://twitter.com/ChrisEvans/status/1047896966410190849 Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. […]