DALEK WHO: The Doctor as a Dalek [Video]

What if Dalek’s were time lords… In this incredibly funny spoof of the BBC’s cult serie Doctor Who, a Dalek is reimagined as the Doctor, traveling through time and space, doing only what a Dalek could… With the best companion a Dalek could ever have, relive your favorite Doctor Who scenes through the gunstick of […]

The Most Underappreciated Movie Trilogies Ever Made

There are plenty of great underappreciated movie trilogies to dive into, whether they’re small indies or movies you love but didn’t realize were part of a trilogy. For your next lazy Sunday, settle in, pull up your favorite streaming service, and fall in love with a new three-part film series. –Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and […]

Feel Captain America’s Pain in This Amazing Video Montage [Video]

We have showed you one of this Youtuber’s amazing video montages to War Pigs/Star Wars… Well Voordeel gave us all the feels once again with this incredible evolution of Steve Rodgers on a soundtrack provided by Bad Wolves’ remake of “Zombie” (by the iconic Cranberries.) Don’t cry, we dare you! [voordeel]

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Rap “Get It Together” from Beastie Boys in This Amusing Mashup [Video]

The cast of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as The Beastie Boys, Q-Tip, and DJ Hurricane, rapping the classic “Get It Together”. Starring Master Splinter as Q-Tip, Raphael as Adrock, Donatello as Mike D, Michelangelo as MCA, and Leonardo as DJ Hurricane. Warning: Language. [isthishowyougoviral | Via LS]

BANDERSNATCH: A Possible “Choose Your Own Adventure” Black Mirror Feature-Length Film on Netflix [Trailer]

https://youtu.be/XM0xWpBYlNM Here is the first trailer for Netflix’s upcoming feature-length Black Mirror film, Bandersnatch, which is set in 1084 and is rumored to be an interactive “Choose Your Own Adventure” movie. Here’s the official synopsys: In 1984, a young programmer begins to question reality as he adapts a sprawling fantasy novel into a video game […]