Top 10 Nicolas Cage Freakouts

From Watch Mojo: He’s the king of unintentional comedy. For this list, we’re taking a look at the times Nic went full-Cage for a role. Whether he’s happy, sad or smoking crack with gangsters, these are the ultimate Nic Cage freakouts.. Our list includes scenes from “Ghost Rider” (2007), “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” (2007), […]

This Cosplayer Transforms Himself into Real Life Versions of Disney Heroes [Pics]

Sure, we see female cosplayers (and even male ones) transforming themselves into Disney princesses all the time, but we rarely see them slip into the skins of male heroes. But now, thanks to Jonathan Stryker, we can finally admire someone who can really transform himself into real life versions of animated Disney male characters. Behold: […]

Did You Know? Sharks are Attracted to the Sound of Death Metal

Did you know: Shark are attracted to the sound of death metal because the music mimics the “low frequencies of struggling fish.” The team trades chum for music, hoping to strike a chord with nearby great whites. Luckily (or not), great whites have an ear for death metal. [Discovery | Via BoingBoing]

Every Best Cinematography Winner. Ever. (1929-2019 Oscars)

From Burger Fiction: The 2019 Oscars are less than a week away! We’ve got a huge new update to our Best Cinematography video, with over 2 minutes of brand new footage. We’ve added last year’s winner, this year’s nominees, and a whole bunch of great updates throughout the video. Enjoy! Here’s the full list in […]

Explosives Expert Rates Unrealistic Movie Explosions

We’ve all seen action stars walk away from ridiculous explosions in movies. Here, Columbia University explosives engineer Rodger Cornell rates 10 movie explosion scenes based on how realistic they are. We look at scenes from action and adventure movies like “Indiana Jones,” “Transformers,” “Django Unchained,” “X-Men,” “The Dark Knight,” “Desperado,” and more. How plausible are […]

Seedling: Aliens Invade Earth For a Deeply Troubling Purpose [Sci-Fi Short]

Seedling is about humanity’s first contact with aliens, but this first contact is a very strange one. These creatures have nothing in common with the aliens we usually see in movies, and their visit seems to be for a very specific purpose: seed our planet with something unknown. Watch: A short film by Stevie […]