A Wonderful HD Tribute to Stanley Kubrick on the 20th Anniversary of His Death

20 years ago today, visionary director Stanley Kubrick died. Here’s a video tribute to one of the greatest movie directors of all time. This tribute/mashup to Stanley Kubrick was created in 2003 and shown initially in 2011. The 2019 edition is a brand-new HD version for commemorate the 20th anniversary of Kubrick’s death. [Via LS]

FURIOUS: This 13th Century Russian Historical Epic Looks Amazing [Movie Trailer]

Furious is a a “visually stunning historical epic, based on the extraordinary real-life events surrounding the Mongol capture of the Russian city of Ryazan.” As the Mongol hordes begin ransacking Russia, the invaders pillage and burn down cities, flooding Russian soil with blood, until a Ryazan takes up arms to defend his people. Kolovrat leads […]

The JRR Tolkien Biopic Gets a Second Trailer [Video]

TOLKIEN explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiration among a group of fellow outcasts at school. This takes him into the outbreak of World War I, which threatens to tear the โ€œfellowshipโ€ apart. All of these experiences would inspire Tolkien to write his famous Middle-Earth novels. […]

What if Superman Was Evil: James Gunn’s Brightburn Gets a New Trailer [Video]

What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? With Brightburn, the visionary filmmaker of Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither presents a startling, subversive take on a radical new genre: superhero horror. Brightburn will hit the big […]