GOT’s The Rains of Castamere: A Cappella + Metal Style
Two amazing versions of The Rains of Castamere from Game of Thrones, one A Cappella style by Peter Hollens and the other one metal style by 331Erock and Jonathan Young. Enjoy!
Two amazing versions of The Rains of Castamere from Game of Thrones, one A Cappella style by Peter Hollens and the other one metal style by 331Erock and Jonathan Young. Enjoy!
A quick preview of the 3rd episode of the 8th season of Game of Thrones. The Dead are already here. [GOT] Lucas and his friend are finding the strangest eggs… Happy Easter! [Lucas The Spider]
Watch as Freddy Krueger and Wolverine square off in the Epic Rap Battles of History Season 6 Premiere! [ERB]
Boss Logic is an amazingly talented artist. He never fails to impress me with his impressive mashups and original art. Here is one of his latest series of illustration featuring Pikachu impersonating various superheroes. Check ’em all out below!
From Star Warship: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker teaser set to What’s Up Danger from Spider-Verse – after I saw the FLIP I just wanted this to exist. I love both Star Wars & Spider-Verse and all the people who made them amazing. [Via Nerdist]
Haven’t watched Lucifer yet? It’s an amazing show! The three first seasons aired on Fox, who cancelled it a few months ago, but Netflix was quick to snatch it for the fourth season, which will start airing on May 8, 2019. For those of you who need to catch up to season 4, here’s a […]
Sean Bean answers the internet’s most searched questions about himself and his character from Game of Thrones, Ned Stark. What movies has Sean Bean NOT died in? What does Sean think of Game of Thrones? Why is Ned Stark so dang honorable? Sean answers all these questions and more! [Wired]
We found this gem on our official Facebook fan group! Thanks to my amazing friend Eric for the find! I mean, where else could you find white walkers rocking to an amazing beat… [THE MERKINS]
Respect brings us together, and if anyone can convince Game of Thrones’s Cersei and Tyrion to get along, a familiar furry red friend might just be the one. #RespectIsComing As part of Sesame Street’s 50th anniversary celebration, we have a campaign, “Respect Brings Us Together,” highlighting the importance of respecting one another, even in disagreement […]