Every Reference in Shaun of the Dead

Here’s every music, movie, tv show, and celebrity reference in Edgar Wright’s 2004 zombie parody classic ‘Shaun of the Dead.’ From using the score in “Dawn of the Dead” to more obscure nods like Pop Larkin’s “Perfick!” from ‘The Darling Buds of May,’ check out all the pop culture references and homages you may have […]

Captain Marvel: Sometimes, Timing is Everything

I went back to work yesterday… Writing for this website is a hobby for me. In real life, I’m that crazy teacher that wears superhero t-shirts with cute skirts and high heels that climbs on desks while playing the ukulele. It’s been 16 years of this crazy fun lifestyle. My first 11 years with high […]

Ned Flanders Themed Metal Band Performs in Simpsons Closing Credits

After many great cameos like Paul McCartney, the Ramones, Aerosmith and many many more, you know your band made it when you are featured in the Simpsons Closing credits! Okilly Dokilly, a Ned Flanders themed metal band, has been featured performing their song « White Wine Spritzer » During the closing credits of The Simpsons episode 659. […]

Disney Streaming Service: Release Date, Original Series, Price and More!

We can now expect the new Disney streaming service to be launched November 12th. With upcoming exclusive products such as Star Wars: The Mandalorian, Marvel spin-off series featuring Hawkeye, Loki and Scarlet Witch and behind the scene End Game clips, Disney will be hitting hard on the streaming market with this new channel. And don’t […]