5 Things You Might Have Missed in Alien (1979)
5 things you might have missed in the first Alien movie. Were you already aware of these detail? [Alien Anthology]
5 things you might have missed in the first Alien movie. Were you already aware of these detail? [Alien Anthology]
Ok, geeks, Ryan Reynolds has just posted a full Detective Pikachu movie online. We didn’t say it was the real Detective Pikachu movie, it’s just a different version. Watch: Attn @DetPikachuMovie @warnerbros. Leak… — Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) May 7, 2019 Detective Pikachu will hit the big screen on Friday, May 10, 2019.
How Shazam should have ended according the folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
Warning: Major spoiler alert from Avengers: Endgame. Going into Avengers: Endgame, fans were prepared for everything; the surviving squad pulling off an epic mission, fallen heroes getting un-dusted and returning to the world of the living, Thanos tasting his just desserts, and much more. They were also bracing themselves for the possibility that some who […]
The folks from Chronicle Collectibles have based themselves on Jenny Parks‘ awesome series of illustrations featuring cats in the roles of popular Star Trek characters to create these feline figures. Check them all out below! James T. Kirk as a yellow tabby: Scotty as a short eared Scottish Fold: Spock as a Rex? For those […]
Here are a bunch of screenshots from a Corridor Crew video that take a look at what ships from the Star Wars universe would look like on Earth. [Via GG]
Here’s a really cool Super Nintendo inspired version of the Star Wars episode 9 trailer by animator John Stratman. Check it out! [John Stratman]
Here is the first full oficial trailer for Spider-Man: Far from home! Spider-Man: Far From Home will hit the big screen on July 5th, 2019. [Sony Entertainment Pictures]
If you’ve seen the latest episode of GOT, you might have missed this: Is that a Starbucks coffee cup on the table in front of Daenerys Targaryen? [Via the Verge]
A preview of the 5th episode on the 8th season of Game of thrones. Season 1-7 : I really hope this character survives. Season 8 : Why are you all still alive? You should have died by now! [GOT]