Dear Internet, Please Stop Complaining [Editorial]

To whom it may concern, Lately, I have been very disappointed by the words some of you have allowed yourselves to write, thanks to the cover of a screen name and a computer. Maybe itโ€™s the exhausted teacher in me, but I canโ€™t help it. Television, entertainment, movies are not democratic processes where one can […]

How to Make Godzilla Really, REALLY Angry! [Video]

From Alamo Drafthouse: If you irritate Godzilla by talking or texting while he’s telling his stories, you get the Atomic Breath. Got it? That goes for you too, Minilla. This magnificent stop-motion masterpiece was created for us by Cressa Beer (@beeragon) and set fabricator Phoebe Jane Hart (@phoebe.jane.hart). [Alamo Drafthouse | Via LS]