The FINAL Trailer for Netflix’s “The Witcher” is Here! [Video]

Watch the last trailer of The Witcher below and learn a little more details about the plot of the show. Also, the guy you see walking in the picture above is Dandelion, but he’s refered as Jaskier in the series, the character’s original name from the novels. On a Continent riddled with evil, the paths […]

DC’s Stargirl Gets its First Trailer [Video] Wow, this doesn’t look all that bad! Looking forward to watching the show when it comes out in Spring 2020. A high school sophomore Courtney Whitmore discovers a powerful cosmic staff and, after learning that her step-father used to be a hero sidekick, becomes the inspiration for a new generation of superheroes. [Source] [The […]

Cosplayers Christmasfy Their Costumes for Montreal Mini-Comiccon 2019! [Gallery]

Here in Montreal, December is the month where Cosplayers meet and “Christmasfy” their outfits for Montreal Mini-Comiccon! As we do each year, my beloved and I were at the event last weekend to photograph your favorite characters in Christmas attire. Here is our picture gallery of some of our favorite costumes of the day for […]