Every Starfighter in Star Wars Explained By Lucasfilm

Lucasfilms’ Doug Chiang and Amy Beth Christenson explain each and every type of starfighter from the Star Wars movie franchise. These small, combat-focused spacecrafts have become a canvas for some of the most iconic designs in all of cinema. Ever wondered why the “snout” of the X-Wing is so pronounced, or why the Y-Wing’s paneling […]

WTH Did I Just Watch? Old Japanese Man Emerges to Defeat Evil… With a Chicken and a Pig… While Yodeling

This is basically what I understood from this short film: An old Japanese guy somehow kidnapped someone, and another old Japanese guy appeared out of nowhere with a pig and a chicken to deliver justice. Yeah, it’s pretty much as insane as it sounds, but I enjoyed it. [schmoyoho]

Phenomenal Cover of The Masked Devil Theme from Ninja Gaiden

From Banjo Guy Ollie: Here’s another one from Ninja Gaiden. I had actually started working on this one about a year ago but since the entire theme revolves around some repeating patterns I never felt there was enough substance for a proper long cover with it. Getting the hurdy gurdy sort of changed that altogether […]

THEY EXIST: Wolverine Claws Corn On The Cob Holders

Yes, they exist! Gamestop just added these Wolverine claws corn on the cob holders to its online store, and if you’re a fan of the x-men franchise and of corn on the cob, they’re a must-have! If Wolverine is your spirit animal, then Corn on the Claws is the cooking accessory you’ve been waiting a […]

Ben & Jerry’s Unveils New “Netflix and Chill” Ice Cream; No Jokes!

What goes perfectly with binging a show on Netflix? A pint of delicious Ben & Jerry’s ice cream! It might not be all that good for our waistlines, but it’s perfect for our souls! With that in mind, the good folks over at Ben & Jerry’s have created the perfect ice cream flavor for us: […]