7TH AEON: When Technology Becomes the Downfall of Humanity [Short Animated Film]

This short animated cyberpunk movie by Mads Broni and Salla Lehmus takes a look at a possible future where people are so addicted to technogy that most have become isolated and anti-social. “Racing to the red light, only to find themselves wanting to go further. They have ripped the natural world apart and surrendered their […]

Monty Python and the Holy Grail in LEGO [Video]

From Spite Your Face Productions: Monty Python and the Holy Grail in LEGO, 2002, Spite Your Face Productions for LEGO and Python Pictures. Uploaded by the creators with permissions. Produced in 2002 for the DVD release of it’s theatrical counterpart, this was the viral video before viral video that helped jump-start the Brickfilm genre of […]