Full-Size Fifth Element Elemental Stones Candle Holders

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts. Wait, what? Someone on Etsy actually made candle holders in the shape of the elemental stones from The Fifth Element? Now how amazing is that? “We have been asked by several customers for a modification of our […]

Adorable LEGO “The Mandalorian & The Child” BrickHeadz

First, the Baby Yoda animatronic was announced earlier today, and now, there’s these adorable LEGO “The Mandalorian & The Child” BrickHeadz! Inspire memories of epic Star Wars: The Mandalorian stories with this fun building toy for creative kids, featuring LEGO BrickHeadz versions of The Mandalorian and The Child 75317. Fans will appreciate authentic details such […]

The Animatronic Baby Yoda Toy is Now Available Again for Pre-Order! [Pic + Video]

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) Sure, we’ve posted plenty of “The Child” toys so far on Geeks are Sexy, but this animatronic Baby Yoda toy takes the cake, and it’s now […]