What Cashiers Do In Their Spare Time: Barcode Jamming [Videos]

Ever wondered what cashiers do in their spare time? Watch this and you’ll know! From ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!: Barcoder: generates sounds by connecting scan-signals of a barcode scanner to a powered speaker directly not a cash register. During the day, you are a regular cashier. During the night, you can be a barcodist. Barcoders Jamming!

Cockatiel Sings the “Lost Woods” theme from Zelda: Ocarina of Time [Video]

Watch as this adorable cockatiel sings the “Lost Woods” theme from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time with a bok choy leaf on his head. Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Crumpet and Dumpling 🐦 (@crumpetdumpling) le 23 Févr. 2020 à 8 :23 PST

Patrick Stewart Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions About Himself [VIdeo]

As you’ll see while watching this interview, Patrick Steward is an absolutely delighful human being, but you all already knew that, right? “Star Trek: Picard” star Patrick Stewart takes the WIRED Autocomplete Interview and answers the internet’s most searched questions about himself. How did Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen meet? Was Patrick in Harry Potter? […]

Making Harley Quinn’s Prefect Egg Sandwich from Birds of Prey

From Andrew Rea: Margot Robbie continues her streak as Americaustralia’s national treasure in her second turn as the delightfully unhinged Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey, a movie I have admittedly not yet seen. From what I hear though, she sheds bitter tears as her lover falls to the pavement in a fateful chase through […]

The Star Wars Expands Massively With “The High Republic”

Disney/Lucasfilm has unveiled the creation of a new Star Wars universe. Oh, it’s still in a galaxy far, far away, but a new series of books called The High Republic is set even longer ago, specifically 200 years before the events we know from the movies. We’ll see the first of these publications in August. […]

Mongolian Rock Band The Hu Perform Original Jedi: Fallen Order Song [Video]

If you’ve played Jedi: Fallen Order, you’ll recognize this song. Cal’s journey begins with him listening to Sugaan Essena, an original song from Mongolian band The Hu. That’s not Mongolian you’re hearing though, it’s a language created with the band that’s unique to Star Wars. It’s Cal’s favorite song for ship scrapping or galactic gladiator […]

Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy – A Netflix Original Anime Series

In the midst of ongoing war on Cybertron, forces of good and evil clash as they search for the source of their power: the Allspark. This may not be the life they imagined, but it’s a life worth fighting for. Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Siege is coming soon, only on Netflix. [Netflix]

Knight Rider Theme on an Electric Toothbrush, Card Machines and a Typewriter

From Device Orchestra: Knight Rider theme played by an electric toothbrush, two credit card machines and a typewriter. The electric toothbrush wears a black leather jacket that I made by cutting and editing a used glove. The fingers made great sleeves after I cut off the fingertips. Of course, the Michael Knight toothbrush needed his […]