Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Artemis Fowl! [Video]

The trend of YA novels being adapted into popular movie franchises hasnโ€™t been popular in about a decade, but that doesnโ€™t mean that studios are going to stop trying– especially when they own the rights to a popular book franchise. The latest attempt at this is Artemis Fowl, based on the hugely successful book series […]

Star Wars: Squadrons โ€“ Official Reveal Trailer

Buckle up, take full control of starfighters such as the X-wing and TIE fighter, and feel the adrenaline of strategic first-person 5v5 multiplayer dogfights alongside your squadron. In a fateful campaign set near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, learn what it means to be a pilot in a thrilling STAR WARS™ single-player story. […]

Wait, What? You Can Buy a Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Tranformers Toy!

It exists, and you can order it on Entertainment Earth right now! What do you get when you cross the iconic Ecto-1 Cadillac from the 1984 Ghostbusters movie with a Transformers robot? A converting Paranormal Investigator, called Ectotron! Commemorate 35 years of both Transformers and Ghostbusters with 1 awesome 7-inch transforming robot figure. Includes: Ectotron […]

WANT: Limited Edition Star Wars Mandalorian MK 3 1:6 Scale Mini-Bust

I’ve been looking for a nice Mandalorian bust to display on one of my bookshelves at home, but before now, there wasn’t any that I really wanted. Sideshow has a nice sixth Scale collectible figure, but at $243, it’s too pricey for me. However, this new limited edition Star Wars Mandalorian MK 3 1:6 Scale […]

Ewoks Without Fur Are a Truly Terrifying Sight

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker crew member Jake Lunt Davies recently posted this behind the scene picture on Instagram of an Ewok without fur, and it’s a truly horrifying sight! Behold: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jake Lunt Davies (@jakeluntdavies) He also added the #sleepwell hastag along with the post, […]