Oldschool B Movie Classic TREMORS Gets a New Sequel: TREMORS: SHRIEKER ISLAND [Trailer]

Kevin Bacon might not be in the movie, but who cares? The Shrieker are back! Also, the original Tremors is now 30 years old! Graboids are illegally taken to a new island resort by a rich playboy as a dangerous form of trophy hunting, and Burt Gummer steps up to save the day. Tremors: Shrieker […]

Lucifer: The Many Faces Of The Devil Througout the World [Video]

If you travel or are interested about cultures from all around the world, you know that the world is full of melevolent mystical beings, lucifer being one. In honor of the new season of Lucifer that just went live on Netflix a few days ago, here is an “enlightening” documentary taking a look at some […]