The Evil Dead Movie Series Gets the “Honest Trailer” Treatment [Video]

When I watched the first Evil Dead movie in the 80s, it absolutely terrified me. I was around 11 or 12 at that time, so it wasn’t really a movie for someone my age. Then I watched the second and third ones later, and I laughed my way through. Screen Junkies’ honest trailer brought me […]

This Pet-Sized Alien Xenomorph Plush Will Kill You with Cuteness (+ Other Plushies)

Catherine Abanina made this absolutely adorable Alien Xenomorph plush that is anything but dangerous and will melt the heart (with love, not acid) of all your Alien loving friends. For those interested, the toy is available for purchase on the artist’s Etsy store along with plenty of other cute plush toys. [Catherine Abanina on Etsy] […]

The Mandalorian Black Series Helmet Replica is Now Available!

Interested in getting your very own Mandalorian armor, or at least, part of it? Since today is Mando Monday, Disney has released the full-scale Black Series electronic prop helmet replica based on Dyn Jarren’s helmet, and I really want one! I already have some Anovos Stormtrooper helmets at home, but their version of Mando’s helmet […]

Funko Unveils New “Egg Snack” Baby Yoda POP! (SPOILER ALERT!)

If you’ve watched episode 2 of The Mandalorian, you’ve seen the rather disturbing scene where The Child was gobbling up some eggs from that “Frog” lady looking to save the last of her kind. I won’t go in more details, but know that Funko has already released a POP figure depicting the beloved characters on […]