An Enchanting Bardcore Cover of The Weeknd’s Save Your Tears [Video]

from Hildegard von Blingin’: Hello again! I hope this finds you all healthy and happy. Life is not back to anything resembling normal yet, but I’ve been working on a handful of covers and I’m excited to share this one with you. I’ve wanted to give one of The Weeknd’s songs the Bardcore treatment for […]

What’s It Like to Write Children’s Books for the Movies?

I have the best job in the world. Seriously. I get paid to watch TV and movies. Okay, not really. But kind of. I’m a children’s book author, and a lot of the books I work on are tie-ins to movies and film. I’ve written books for The Mandalorian, Goonies, Marvel, and I even wrote […]

The Trailer for PICARD Season #2 is Here! [Video]

Time has been broken. #StarTrekPicard season two, coming 2022 💫 #StarTrek — Star Trek (@StarTrek) June 16, 2021 Mon Capitaine, how I’ve missed you! Here is the first trailer for the second season of Star Trek: Picard, coming 2022! Yep, that’s still a long way to go, but all good things are worth waiting […]

Amazon’s “BUY 2, GET 1 FREE” Sale on VIDEO GAMES and MOVIES!

Yesterday, we told you about Amazon’s “buy 2, get one free” sale on board games, but this specific sale also includes over 100 video games and THOUSANDS of movies, blu-ray box sets, and TV shows, many of which are already heavily discounted! Just head over to the link and use the left menu to select […]

These Fan-made TMNT Donatello and Leonardo Figurines are Totally RADICAL!

Sure, there’s plenty of commercial TMNT figures that look amazing, but I’ve never seen any that are as good as these sixth-scale figures of Donatello and Leonardo by artist Embertwist. I especilly like the details on the purple Air Jordan 1 sneakers and the backpack that made with an oldschool NES console. Check ’em all […]

Netflix Releases PERFECT Masters of the Universe: Revelation Trailer

Are you ready for what is possibly the absolute best thing you’ll watch today? Sure, the trailer for Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation is amazing in itself, but when you add Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out For A Hero to it, it takes it to a whole other level. Watch: PLOT: From Executive Producer Kevin […]