Patrick Stewart Does Hamlet on Sesame Street: The Letter B
Wath as Patrick Stewart gives a Shakespearean soliloquy on the letter “B”. [Sesame Street | Via Neatorama]
Wath as Patrick Stewart gives a Shakespearean soliloquy on the letter “B”. [Sesame Street | Via Neatorama]
from Hildegard von Blingin’: Hello again! I hope this finds you all healthy and happy. Life is not back to anything resembling normal yet, but I’ve been working on a handful of covers and I’m excited to share this one with you. I’ve wanted to give one of The Weeknd’s songs the Bardcore treatment for […]
I have the best job in the world. Seriously. I get paid to watch TV and movies. Okay, not really. But kind of. I’m a children’s book author, and a lot of the books I work on are tie-ins to movies and film. I’ve written books for The Mandalorian, Goonies, Marvel, and I even wrote […]
Time has been broken. #StarTrekPicard season two, coming 2022 💫 #StarTrek — Star Trek (@StarTrek) June 16, 2021 Mon Capitaine, how I’ve missed you! Here is the first trailer for the second season of Star Trek: Picard, coming 2022! Yep, that’s still a long way to go, but all good things are worth waiting […]
Yesterday, we told you about Amazon’s “buy 2, get one free” sale on board games, but this specific sale also includes over 100 video games and THOUSANDS of movies, blu-ray box sets, and TV shows, many of which are already heavily discounted! Just head over to the link and use the left menu to select […]
From Matthew Van Ness: Me, singing every orchestra instrument in the Star Wars theme. Note that many of the notes are out of my range so I did use pitch correction software, as my goal was just to hear how the theme would sound if every instrument was replaced with my voice. [Matthew Van Ness […]
A new Epic Rap Battle of History featuring the legendary viking Ragnar Lodbrok against Richard The Lionheart! [ERB]
Check out this awesome reality-bending Nolan-esque action short featuring a man fighting 2 opponents across 2 different realities divided by the horizon line. [Kuma Films]
Sure, there’s plenty of commercial TMNT figures that look amazing, but I’ve never seen any that are as good as these sixth-scale figures of Donatello and Leonardo by artist Embertwist. I especilly like the details on the purple Air Jordan 1 sneakers and the backpack that made with an oldschool NES console. Check ’em all […]
Are you ready for what is possibly the absolute best thing you’ll watch today? Sure, the trailer for Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation is amazing in itself, but when you add Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out For A Hero to it, it takes it to a whole other level. Watch: PLOT: From Executive Producer Kevin […]