VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE – Official Trailer 2
You are what you eat. Feast on the new trailer for #Venom: Let There Be Carnage, exclusively in movie theaters this fall. [Sony Pictures Entertainment]
You are what you eat. Feast on the new trailer for #Venom: Let There Be Carnage, exclusively in movie theaters this fall. [Sony Pictures Entertainment]
Watch as the folks from Hacksmith Industries try to break into JustDustin D20-shaped “unbreakable” box using various devices, including Captain America’s shield, a plasma-powered lightsaber, Thor’s Stormbreaker, and more! [Hacksmith Industries]
Check out this awesome metal cover of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme by the always amazing Leo Moracchioli of Frog Leap Studios. Enjoy! [Frog Leap Studios]
An impressive deepfake video by Shamook (who now works for Disney thanks to his deepfake of Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian) replacing Christian Bale as The Dark Knight with Robert Pattison. [Shamook]
Some of these twists shocked the world. Others simply left viewers shaking their heads. For this list, we’ll be looking at the films from this prolific director and ranking each of his signature twists based on shock factor, and how much they recontextualize the plots. Our countdown includes “Split”, “The Visit”, “The Sixth Sense”, and […]
If you’re a fan of Jaws or adorable rubber duckies, check out this new line of TUBBZ cosplaying duckies by the awesome folks over at Numskull Design! I especally like the one impersonating Bruce the great white shark, the main antagonist of the first Jaws film! It’s just perfect! We’ve got a new brand joining […]
Man! Man! Man! [GrayWalf]
3 Test Subjects, 2 Bullets, 1 Solution. A short sci-fi film by Matt Mullins. [DUST]
From Screen Rant: Since his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe more than a decade ago in 2011’s Thor, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki has stood out as a super charismatic villain in a sea of less-than-charismatic Marvel villains. Subsequently appearing in several Marvel movies and surviving multiple on-screen deaths, Loki is now the star of […]
Bilbo Baggins is Middle-earth’s most adventurous hobbit. Today, we cover his complete life of travels, from his early efforts to see elves and dwarves, to his famous Quest of Erebor, to his return to Dale and Rivendell later in life. [Nerd of the Rings]