Study to be a Jedi – lightsaber not included

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] Queen’s University in Belfast is starting Britain’s first Jedi course – but they are quick to stress that lightsabers are not provided.   That’s lame right away – what kind of a Jedi doesn’t have a lightsaber?   That’s like Dirty Harry without his .44 Magnum. The course is called ‘Feel […]

Who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters set for a comeback

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] The sight of Harrison Ford running around cracking his whip must have inspired them because now the four original Ghostbusters are set for a comeback, nearly 20 years since they last saved New York from ectoplasmic slime. Columbia has hired two scriptwriters from the Ricky Gervais sitcom “The Office” […]

Coming Soon – Facebook: The Movie

By Shéa Bennett Contributing Writer, [GAS] Yeah, I can’t wait either. Penned by Aaron Sorkin, who created The West Wing and wrote the Tom Hank’s vehicle Charlie Wilson’s War, the as of yet untitled Facebook movie will focus on Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, the founders of the popular social networking site. Sorkin’s […]

Star Wars Landspeeder replica looks just like the real thing

This Star Wars Landspeeder replica was designed by a very talented dude named Daniel Deutsch. The near-perfect masterpiece was built from scratch using molded fiberglass and mounted on a custom aluminum chassis. The vehicle is powered by an electric drive system, which can take its passenger near light speed (or 25 mph). Additional pictures after […]

New Star Wars MP3 player lets you groove to the Dark Side

Offered by online retailer Forbidden Planet international, the Star Wars MP3 player features a slick, black design, 512MB of internal memory and an integrated FM radio. Unfortunately, at $80, this piece of the Dark Side comes with a very hefty price tag. My guess is that only hardcore Star Wars geeks will be interested in […]