Feature: The Boiler Bar – Like Thirsty Moths to a Flame

By Brian Boyko Contributing Writer, [GAS] They call it “oilpunk” – a sort of “post-Steampunk” aesthetic, championing the designs of the early modern era (around 1920s/1930s) rather than the Victorian attributes of the “steampunker.” And what better homage to the era of the speakeasy than a bar? Yes, the fireballs generated by the twin propane-fueled […]

Wednesday Geeky Pics: Furry Star Wars “Fans”

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I’m pretty sure that these dogs aren’t the fans, but rather their owners… after all, we know how much animals love wearing clothes, right? And I didn’t even try to come up with pithy headlines for these; once I saw one labeled “Bark Vader” I knew I couldn’t compete. […]