Star Wars Landspeeder replica looks just like the real thing

This Star Wars Landspeeder replica was designed by a very talented dude named Daniel Deutsch. The near-perfect masterpiece was built from scratch using molded fiberglass and mounted on a custom aluminum chassis. The vehicle is powered by an electric drive system, which can take its passenger near light speed (or 25 mph). Additional pictures after […]

New Star Wars MP3 player lets you groove to the Dark Side

Offered by online retailer Forbidden Planet international, the Star Wars MP3 player features a slick, black design, 512MB of internal memory and an integrated FM radio. Unfortunately, at $80, this piece of the Dark Side comes with a very hefty price tag. My guess is that only hardcore Star Wars geeks will be interested in […]

Hardcore Batman fan builds his own Batmobile ‘Tumbler’

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] So you think you’re a big Batman fan eh?   Well you’ve got some serious catching up to do my friend because Bob Dullam has been spending some serious cash on building his own Batmobile ‘Tumbler’ – up to $70,000 worth – and he hasn’t even started on the interior […]