Star Trek Rips Off Star Wars
If you really think hard about it, you’ll find that the 2009 Star trek movie plot is very similar to the Star Wars plot. Captain Kirk is just like Luke Skywalker, Spock like Han Solo. Check it out:
If you really think hard about it, you’ll find that the 2009 Star trek movie plot is very similar to the Star Wars plot. Captain Kirk is just like Luke Skywalker, Spock like Han Solo. Check it out:
Haven’t seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine yet? Do yourself a favor and watch this 30-second condensed version instead. [Via Miss Cellania]
Terminator Salvation opens in only two weeks folks, and if the movie looks as badass as the 4-minute trailer you’re about to see, boy are we in for a treat.
23 years ago, William Shatner appeared on SNL to say this: Last night, Chris Pine (Kirk) and Zachary Quinto (Spock) did a quick appearance on the show to ask long time Star Trek fans to stop harassing them, proving that even 23 years, trekkies still haven’t learned anything. [Via]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Yesterday, J.J. Abrams released his new movie, Star Trek, which attempts to breathe new life into one of scifi’s oldest franchises. It is different from other Star Trek films because it’s set before even the earliest episodes in the original series. I can’t say too much more without delivering […]
In order to promote their new Star Trek glasses, Burger King has launched a new ad campaign featuring various techniques to help you defend yourself against “Kingons.” Now the Kingons (not to be confused with Klingons), are a race of evil alien mascots seeking dominion over dilithium, an element that is apparently present in BK’s […]
Trent Reznor has prevailed in a row with Apple – and it could be good news for Eric Cartman. The Nine Inch Nails frontman had reacted angrily after the company rejected an update to the official iPhone application for the band. Apple explained that it had rejected the app for inappropriate content, specifically the inclusion […]
Star Wars: 1 – Star Trek: 0
Watch as superstar surfer Dylan Longbottom surfs a 12 foot monster barrel wave, in and out of the water, all in super slow motion. It makes for quite an exceptional sight! Apparently, this is the first time something like this has ever been recorded on film. Enjoy!
Rock Band players who want the full experience for the next installment of the game had better get saving now. If you want John, Paul, George and Ringo, you’ll need Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin and Benjamin – and Ulysses Grant in the Yoko role. The game by itself will cost $59, but it’s now been revealed […]