MTV and MySpace Turn Piracy Into Pennies

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] You know what they say… when you’ve got lemons, turn them into lemonade. And when you’ve got rampant video piracy, find a way to milk some ad revenue out of it. The “fingerprint” technology that we’ve been hearing about from YouTube is making its way in some form to […]

Legend of the Seeker: Ripping Tale or Telling Rip-Off?

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] It seems like a guaranteed recipe for success: (1) source material from a series of best-selling fantasy novels (Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series), (2) the producers who brought us Hercules and Xena (Sam Raimi, who has since knocked our socks off with Spider-Man, and Rob Tapert, who is […]

Did You Survive The War of the Worlds 2.0? #wotw2

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed a flood of tweets with a mysterious “#wotw2” code in them.  Well that was a “hash tag” or “hash code” you were seeing there and those tweets were completely fictional. The fake tweets were all on account of War […]

To Zombies From Google, re: Our Brains

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Good news! Google, in addition to servicing most of your Internet-related needs, is also fighting hard to save your brains. Today, their robots.txt begins with the lofty declaration: User-agent: zombies Disallow: /brains That’s right: zombies are disallowed from accessing /brains today. I for one feel much safer knowing that […]