Pandora celebrates as online radio escapes royalty devastation

Online music site Pandora has been saved from closure after the music and internet industries finally reached a deal over royalty rates. It’s a major boost for the online radio industry, though there’s still a significant disparity between online and over-the-air radio. Online radio in the US is governed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act […]

Norton Commando Transformer

Being Geeks, I’m sure you all thought that this was going to be something related to Norton Antivirus, right? But no, we’re talking about Norton, the century-old motorcycle company here. Norton Commando Transformer was produced by Steve Twist for his Computer Visualization and Animation major project. Check it out, it’s pretty awesome. Transformer 2 might […]

Steel Life: A 3D Visual Masterpiece

Produced by Mathieu Gérard as his master thesis graduation film, Steel Life is all about beautiful music and stunning 3D imagery. Steel Life is an experimental student short film based on aesthetics of visual effects. It was produced at university Paris 8 for my master thesis graduation in Arts et Technologie de l’image. My goal […]

2012: The End of the World – Are You Ready?

No, no, don’t worry folks, we’re not talking about the actual end of the world here, but of 2012, the upcoming movie from director Roland Emmerich, the same guy who produced Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow. What? No LHC destroying Earth in this trailer? Clearly, I find Mr. Emmerich’s lack of vision disturbing!