The Wedding Party Has a “Wedding Party” Down the Aisle

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] All I can say is HATS OFF to this awesome group of young people.  Not only can they all dance, but you can tell just how happy they are from their great attitude.  If only all weddings went this way (or this well). What do you think of […]

[GAS] Explains: Music Royalties for Dummies

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Considering how much “education” about music and copyright is out there (“downloading music is stealing!” ads and the like), most people have no idea how it actually works in terms of who owns what and who should get money from what kind of use. And lately, with issues like […]

Toshiba comes over to the Blu side

Toshiba is to release its first Blu-ray DVD player. It comes 17 months after the firm’s decision to ditch the rival HD-DVD format effectively spelled the end of the next-generation format wars. At the time, Toshiba spoke of exploring other ways of delivering high-definition content rather than DVD, such as portable drives and wireless technology […]